Tertiary Education Strategy

Whakamaua te pae tata kia tina – Take hold of your potential so it becomes your reality.

Whaia te pae tawhiti kia tata – Explore beyond the distant horizon and draw it near.

Learners at the centre; the needs of individual students always informs our approach. 

 Make sure tertiary environments are safe, inclusive and responsive. We pride ourselves on inclusiveness (“acceptance” in our language); students frequently comment on how quickly we respond.

Great education opportunities and outcomes are within reach for every learner. We have tutors across multiple sites, and also made different teaching styles available to meet different learning needs.

Understand and respond to the needs and aspirations of learners/ākonga. We are able to develop personal relationships with our students.

Develop clear and supported pathways to enable learners/ākonga to achieve their aspirations. We continue to develop new programs that will foster professional development.

Create a wide range of education options and delivery models to enable lifelong learning. We believe that our holistic approach to learning presents life-changing opportunities for many of our students.

Quality teaching and leadership – quality teaching and leadership make the difference for learners and their whānau. We support, encourage and network with each other to generate new, up to date and exciting ways of delivering our content.

Invest in their staff in ways that strengthen their practice and align to the needs of learners/ākonga, industry, employers and communities. Our holistic approach works from the bottom up, rather than the top down. Everyone in the organization is invested in its profile, and outcomes for learners.

Incorporate te reo Māori and tikanga Māori in the everyday life of the place of learning. Kei te tipu tonu tatou me te ako.

Deliver culturally and personally responsive teaching and learning. We abide by essential core Holistic Pulsing principles – Mindfulness, Acceptance, Respectfulness and Self-Responsibility.

Future of learning and work – learning that is relevant to the lives of New Zealanders today and throughout their lives. The world is changing, and we have changed with it.

Move the focus of teaching and learning more strongly towards workplaces. We are meeting the changing market; we can teach for home-based, clinic or spa workplace environments.

Rethink what we teach and learn for the changing nature of work. We are able to respond quickly to a changing world – we are small, flexible and work on a cooperative model of management.

Deliver enabling careers guidance and information. We use our Social Media platforms to advertise relevant positions we hear about, and provide business model education as part of our training.

Encourage TEOs and employers to work collaboratively in upskilling current employees. This tends to be beyond the scope of things we come across – however, in-house training has been successfully done in Auckland, Gisborne, Paraparaumu and Blenheim.

World class inclusive public education – New Zealand education is trusted and sustainable. We encourage our students to value their education.

Recognise and value our unique national identity.

Enhance the contribution of research to the wellbeing of New Zealanders. Improving wellbeing lies at the heart of what we do.


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